Home Lighting Installations

Garden, Chandeliers, LED and halogen downlights sensor lights

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  • 30 Days Warranty
  • Memory Upgrade/Replacement
  • Water Damage Repair
  • Cracked hinges or Panels
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We highly recommend Chris as a caring, reliable and knowledgeable professional. He was responsible for the full electrical modernisation that occurred with the extension of our 1919 house. We merit him with the many efficient solutions he has created in our house from re-wiring, wireless internet connectivity to alarm set-up. He is consultative and effective and we are delighted with the result.

Zammits of Gordon

Sydney. NSW
I recently moved house and asked Chris to come over and install some data cabling and lights in my small home office. I was so impressed with Chris' professionalism, quality of work, communication and efficiency that I then asked him back to install downlights in my house and some outside lighting. I would highly recommend Chris to anyone requiring an Electrician and I will certainly be using his services again.

Andrei Spiegel

Sydney. NSW